Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Sunday

fall behind and spring ahead
the motto of the time change
for daylight savings...
did you remember?

more like fall behind!
(and the corresponding- sleep too late!!)

i spoke with someone in arizona
and she said they do not observe daylight savings time

i have been very very neglectful of my blog
but so much has been happening (many many losses of late)
that i have been in a sort of
shell shocked state.

then i caught some bug
and have been feeling absolutely rotten.
good thing for my 4 thieves oil to clean
and netti pot with salt for rinsing my poor nasal areas.
thankfully i feel like i am beginning to be on the upswing again
because things(ie the mess)
around me are beginning to bother me
and that antsy feeling is starting to take hold
to DO something!

well off to continue de-germing the house-
and make a list of what i want to accomplish
in the next week
and the rest of this year
(i love crossing off the "done" items)

still trying to get it together
but it's closer now :)
i hope ;)

take care

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