Friday, December 10, 2010


do we really need another pill for that?

i saw this 4 minute video clip today...
he made some thought provoking points
things that makes you say hmmmmm.

*i rated it pg for language...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

another happy class

a wonderful day is coming to an end
and i want to thank my star pupils from today's class
what a wonderful day this has been :)

alas i took my camera out but did not snap pictures
as i had planned on... i guess cheffing sidetracked me

i am hoping perhaps one of my students (hint hint)
will think of emailing me some photos


i just ate one of the remaining brownies
that didn't get eaten during class
and yummo!!!

and such an easy recipe too, very fast to make.
it's teaching classes like this that remind me
of the good old recipes that started me off on the raw path.
the simpler the better.

ok, off to spend time with my hunny and my pup.
have a wonderful evening all

Monday, November 22, 2010


just a quick note
i will be teaching a basic raw food prep class
this saturday (11/27/2010) at 11 am
if there are any additional students wishing to take this class
please let me know and i will let you know if there is still room in this class
sorry for the late notice: we had a shift in our calendar at the last moment.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Sunday

fall behind and spring ahead
the motto of the time change
for daylight savings...
did you remember?

more like fall behind!
(and the corresponding- sleep too late!!)

i spoke with someone in arizona
and she said they do not observe daylight savings time

i have been very very neglectful of my blog
but so much has been happening (many many losses of late)
that i have been in a sort of
shell shocked state.

then i caught some bug
and have been feeling absolutely rotten.
good thing for my 4 thieves oil to clean
and netti pot with salt for rinsing my poor nasal areas.
thankfully i feel like i am beginning to be on the upswing again
because things(ie the mess)
around me are beginning to bother me
and that antsy feeling is starting to take hold
to DO something!

well off to continue de-germing the house-
and make a list of what i want to accomplish
in the next week
and the rest of this year
(i love crossing off the "done" items)

still trying to get it together
but it's closer now :)
i hope ;)

take care

Monday, September 6, 2010

Raw Food Class Schedule

september is here!!!

i am putting together the autumn raw food class schedule this week-
any requests?

let me know and then check back next week for the schedule.

hope to hear from YOU! :)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

chlorella and mercury

here is an article of great interest.
i always love learning how a meek little plant or being
can have such a great big good effect in balancing out
mankind's greed and stupidity.
rock on creation!

This Single Cell Plant Actually Expels Mercury from Your Body…
Posted By Dr. Mercola | July 03 2010


A study shows that chlorella, a single-celled organism that has been used for many years as a nutritional supplement, can help flush methylmercury from your system.

Mice fed methylmercury were given chlorella, and the amount of methylmercury excreted in their urine and feces was approximately twice the amount excreted by mice not treated with chlorella.

Methylmercury is a neurotoxic compound widely used in industrial applications. It accumulates in fish, which has led to widespread advisories against fish consumption by pregnant women.

The study in the Journal of Toxicological Sciences reports:

"These results suggest that the intake of [chlorella] may induce the excretion of Hg [mercury] both in feces and urine ... The effect of [chlorella] on the tissue mercury accumulation may become evident in a long-term experiment."

Journal of Toxicological Sciences 2010; 35(1): 101-105

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Chlorella, a single-celled fresh water algae, is often referred to as a near-perfect food, as its range of health benefits are truly astounding.

Chlorella acts as an efficient detoxification agent by binding to toxins, such as mercury, in your body and carrying them out of your system. It is the chlorophyll in chlorella that makes it so powerful, as chlorophyll helps you process more oxygen, cleanses your blood and promotes the growth and repair of your tissues.

Arguably, the most important property of chlorella is its ability to help rid your body of heavy metal toxins -- an increasingly ubiquitous source of pollution in the environment -- but I even recently included it as one of the top seven foods to slow aging.

Are Heavy Metals Contaminating Your Body?

If you've received a vaccine, had or have silver (mercury) fillings in your mouth, or eaten fish, it's highly likely you have some level of mercury poisoning that may be compromising your health.

Heavy metal toxicity, just like chemical toxicity, has become one of the most pressing health hazards of our day. Your body is assailed by chemicals and heavy metals on a daily basis, oftentimes from the most innocent-looking sources, from your everyday cookware to your dental fillings and tilapia dinner filet.

One of the major routes of exposure to heavy metals in the United States, aside from vaccines and dental fillings, is eating fish.

For the most part mercury in the fish and the environment is related to the fact that the majority of electricity is generated from burning coal, which releases the mercury into the air and then into the waterways once it rains. There certainly are other industrial sources in some areas but this is the primary source.

Mercury is released from the smokestacks of coal-fired power plants, cement kilns and certain types of mining activities. Once in the air, the toxic mercury rains down into bodies of water. From there it is converted by bacteria into a particularly dangerous form called methylmercury, where it finds its way into fish, accumulating especially in fish that are higher up the food chain.

The larger the fish, the likelier they are to have high levels of this toxin. The National Resources Defense Council points out, for instance, that predatory fish such as large tuna, swordfish, shark and mackerel can have mercury concentrations in their bodies that are 10,000 times higher than those of their surrounding environment!

It's because of this bioaccumulation that about 40 percent of all U.S. exposure to mercury comes from eating contaminated tuna. And roughly 75 percent of all human exposure to mercury in general comes from eating fish.

Dental amalgam fillings are also made from about 50 percent mercury and the rest an amalgam of silver, tin, copper, zinc and other metals. It's an ironic fact that the metallic mercury used by dentists to manufacture dental amalgam is shipped as a hazardous material to the dental office. Any amalgam leftover is also treated as hazardous and requires special precautions to dispose of.

Yet you can have those same toxic fillings put into your mouth just by asking (and paying the price, of course)!

Chronic Symptoms of Metal Toxicity

These metals build up in your body over time, leading to chronic symptoms that you may never equate with your love for sushi or the dental filling you got five years ago.

Symptoms of toxic build-up due to chronic metal exposure include:

* Fatigue
* Digestive distress, and reduced ability to properly assimilate and utilize fats
* Aching joints
* Depression
* Impaired blood sugar regulation
* Female reproductive problems such as menstrual difficulties, infertility, miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, pregnancy-induced hypertension and premature birth

Mercury is also a potent toxin in its own right that can damage your brain, central nervous system and kidneys, and is especially dangerous for children, fetuses, pregnant and nursing women and people who have high levels of mercury bioburden.

It makes sense for virtually everyone to takes steps to proactively remove metals from their body before they are plagued by symptoms, and if you have any of the symptoms above ridding your body of metals may help them resolve.

Chlorella Helps Rid Your Body of Mercury, Metals

Getting back to chlorella, this algae is one of the most potent ways to help detoxify your body of mercury and other metals. As this latest study showed, chlorella effectively induced the excretion of mercury in both urine and feces in mice fed the metal.

This is important, as chlorella plays a particularly crucial role in systemic mercury elimination because the majority of mercury is rid through your stool. Once the mercury burden is lowered from your intestines, mercury from other body tissues will more readily migrate into your intestines -- where chlorella will work to remove it.

One can also use cilantro as a synergetic detoxification aid with the chlorella.
, toxic

Chlorella's cleansing action on your bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protection of your liver, also helps promote clean blood. And clean blood helps assure metabolic waste get efficiently carried away from your tissues.

Again, chlorella is such a powerful detoxifier because it is rich in chlorophyll, which is known to:

* Aid you in processing more oxygen
* Cleanse key elimination systems like your bowel, liver, and blood
* Help purify your blood and clean away toxins
* Aid you in promoting optimal blood pressure
* Support elimination of molds in your body
* Help neutralize bad air you might breathe in
* Promote growth and repair of your tissues

Chlorella is actually useful even beyond detoxification, and its range of health benefits includes:

* Boosting your immune system
* Improving your digestion, especially if constipation is a problem
* Enhancing your ability to focus and concentrate
* Increasing your energy levels
* Balancing your body's pH
* Normalizing your blood sugar and blood pressure
* Reducing your cancer risk
* Freshening your breath

As with any supplement, different brands of chlorella will vary widely with regard to overall quality, potency and purity, so make sure you purchase from a reputable source.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

that brown drink

just ran into this article and thought i would share
i stopped drinking soda because of the whole corn syrup issue
but this gives a few more reasons:

What Happens To Your Body Within An Hour Of Drinking A Coke

In Foods that Hurt on October 24th, 2007

Don’t drink cola if you want to be healthy. Consuming soft drinks is bad for so many reasons that science cannot even state all the consequences. But one thing we know for sure is that drinking Coke, as a representative of soft drinks, wreaks havoc on the human organism. What happens? Writer Wade Meredith has shown the quick progression of Coke’s assault.

The main problem is sugar. It’s an evil that the processed food industry and sugar growers don’t want people to know about. Even dietitians, financially supported by sugar growers and sugary product manufacturers, are loathe to tell us the truth.

Don’t believe that dietitians are influenced by huge corporate concerns that feed people sugar, drugs and other health-defying ingredients? Go to their official website and check out the sponsors yourself. They are right there in plain sight: CLICK HERE.

When somebody drinks a Coke watch what happens…

* In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
* 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment)
* 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
* 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
* >60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.
* >60 Minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.
* >60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.

So there you have it, an avalanche of destruction in a single can. Imagine drinking this day after day, week after week. Stick to water, real juice from fresh squeezed fruit, and tea without sweetener.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

foraging wild greens (aka "free groceries")

"the woods and fields are a table always spread"
ila hatter (lady of the forest)

it's nice to have a garden
but many times we pull 'weeds' that actually
have more nutrition than the things we planted
in our gardens in the first place.
ie. iceberg lettuce vs lambs quarters

in 1 oz raw lambs quarters @ 12 calories:
Calcium 86.5 mg
Vitamin A 3248 IU
Vitamin C 22.4 mg
Protein 1.2 g
Omega-3 fatty acids 10.1 mg
Omega-6 fatty acids 87.6 mg
and much much more...

try getting that out of a pale iceberg oz! :)

here is a quick video i enjoyed this morning
and wanted to pass it on-

and a portion of an article:

Free Groceries, Safely Foraging For Wild Foods

Tools For Foraging

So, you have a warm day ahead of you and you are ready to fill your larder with wild foods! What are some of the tools that you need to take with you?

Here is a list of the basics, as you gain experience there are things you will want to add to it.

1. A good, sharp pocket knife. This is good for cutting stems, pieces of roots etc.
2. Moisture-proof bags. You can use zipper closure bags, recycle plastic grocery bags, or sew your own drawstring bags with waterproof fabric. You need to be able to keep things separate.
3. A small shovel or trowel for digging up edible roots.
4. A pictorial Guide to edible plants in your area. Sometimes it is hard to tell what something is from just the description. A good pictorial guide is invaluable!
5. A moist washcloth in a waterproof bag for cleaning your hands.

Gathering Food

Be sure that you get permission to forage on private property and be careful about foraging in state parks and preserves. Always make sure that you are acting with in the laws. Don't overlook your own front yard, though. One year we had dandelion greens several times a week harvested from our own front yard! If you have a few acres it is even more likely that you will be able to find natural foods at home. Like anything, the ability to find edible wild plants successfully has alot to do with preparation and practice.

A good rule of thumb is to take only what you need. Remember, the plants will die out if over harvested. Don't let the materialism mentality create greed. It is important that you learn to be a good steward of the bounty of nature. Taking too much of a plant will kill it, taking too many plants form a patch will mean less plants next year and eventually no plants at all. By foraging carefully you will both preserve nature and learn to live in harmony with the cycles of it.

Decide what you are o.k. with. For example, are you going to stick to plants and nuts or are you going to do some hunting as well? Are you willing to try crayfish, frog legs, or wild duck eggs? What about turtles? By adding hunting and fishing to your list, and keeping an open mind, you will increase your ability to glean wild eats.

The Forager's Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants The Forager's Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants
Price: $13.95
List Price: $22.95
A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants: Eastern and central North America (Peterson Field Guide) A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants: Eastern and central North America (Peterson Field Guide)
Price: $11.22
List Price: $19.00
The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants
Price: $7.77
List Price: $12.95
Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide
Price: $25.10
List Price: $17.95
Nature's Garden: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants Nature's Garden: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants
Price: $15.65
List Price: $24.95
Edible Wild Plants: Wild Foods From Dirt To Plate (The Wild Food Adventure) Edible Wild Plants: Wild Foods From Dirt To Plate (The Wild Food Adventure)
Price: $16.27
List Price: $24.99
Some Wild Recipes

Following are some ways to prepare the free groceries you find. Again, if you are ever in doubt about the safety of a plant best to leave it alone!


Acorns are nearly everywhere and are amazingly versatile little nuts if prepared properly. The bitter taste is from the tannin so it is important to be sure to get all of that out before making your recipe. This is called leaching.

1. Crack the acorn using a hammer and shell.

2. Place in a blender with about a quart or so of water and pulse for a few seconds to make the skins come off and float. Skim the skins off and repeat until no more skins come off.
3. Grind the acorns in the water until it turns white
4. Pour the milky liquid through a sieve into a bowl. The material in the sieve should be ground again and then the process repeated.

5. Pour liquid in the bowl through a cheesecloth into another bowl. This material needs to be leached again. Add it to another container of water, shake up and then let set for 10 -20 minutes. Strain again through cheesecloth let sit overnight covered with water. All the milky liquid that passes through the sieve and cheesecloth should be allowed to settle overnight.
6. Pour the water off and cook equal parts of meal and water, about 1/4c each, to check for tannin. Tannin wil lbe easily recognizable by a bitter taste or the mouth feeling dry.

7. IF tannin is detected repeat the leaching process. If not then continue with the recipe.

Acorn Pancakes

2/3 c finely ground acorn meal

2/3 c unbleached flour

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

1/4c Honey

1 egg (chicken, or duck, goose is too big) beaten

1 1/4 c milk

1/4 c melted butter

Combine dry ingredients. Mix egg, honey, butter, and milk and add to dry ingredients. Spoon onto hot griddle and turn when top begins to bubble.

Makes 10-12


Cattail roots can be dried, ground, and used as flour. The pollen can be used as an extender to flour and also adds a unique flavor.But the easiest way to eat them is as follows, based on a recipe from Prodigal Gardens.

Cattails-on-the-Cob with Garlic Butter

30-40 cattail flowerheads, peeled

Garlic butter:

½ cup unsalted butter

½ teaspoon salt

12 garlic cloves, crushed 1 c fresh basil or cilantro Make garlic butter in a food processor by whipping the butter, salt, fresh garlic and basil together until smooth.

1. Boil cattail flowerheads in water for 10 minutes

2. Make garlic butter in a food processor by whipping the butter, salt, fresh garlic and basil together until smooth.

3. Drain the cattail flowerheads and cover them generously with the garlic butter.

4. Eat them just like miniature corn on the cobs.

from Prodigal Gardens.


The unopened buds of milkweed can be boiled and eaten like broccoli

Dandelion :

The roots can be sauteed with onion and garlic in some olive oil.

Leaves are delicious sauteed with onion, garlic, mushrooms, and bacon.

Sunflower Buds:

Can be steamed and eaten like an artichoke

This is by no means a complete list. Be sure and get a couple of books on the subject and start slowly. Gathering wild foods is a satisfying way to eat organic and save money doing it. There is something empowering about knowing that you can survive without a Kroger if you need to.

and foraging for wild greens:

In his book "Stalking the Wild Asparagus," Euell Gibbons noted how the first sign of spring would be not the robins on the lawn, but the Italians who would swarm out from town to gather winter cress from fields and ditches. Here are a few lines from the book, originally published in 1962:

"The suburban dweller seldom bothers to identify the plant which the immigrants are so eagerly collecting. Such knowledge is strictly for squares. He is satisfied to refer to it merely as "some weed the Italians eat." We have come to a poor pass when we think that allowing ourselves to be bilked because of our own ignorance contributes to our status. And still we think we have a mission to teach the rest of the world "the American way." Heaven forbid this kind of thinking. We do have some things to teach, but we also have many things to learn from other cultures. Unless we realize that cultural exchange is a two-way street, we shall fail, and much of the ancient and precious wisdom now residing in the simple peoples of the world will be lost."

Ponder that thought for a while.

hope you enjoyed a little bit on foraging
and don't be afraid to eat your weeds
(just be sure you know what they are first!)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

drying herbs

i took my second batch of herbs
(spearmint, chamomile, oregano, dill)
and dried them, broke them up without stems
and put them into labeled blue antique glass jars.
my sweetie made me a wrap around shelf very high in the kitchen
and that's where these will find a home.

then i cut down a third cutting of herbs
(oregano, thyme, cilantro, chamomile, marjoram, dill, oregano)
processed some in cuttings for freezing
and the rest went into the dehydrator till tomorrow
when i will put them into jars too.
this way i have very fresh, oils intact, herbs
for teas, recipes etc... for all winter.
during the summer i usually stick to fresh herbs.

i also planted a few containers to keep on the deck
for fresh herbs to use on a daily basis
so i do not have to trek into the garden for every recipe
and every meal as it is prepared.

the garden holds the vast quantities for cutting & processing.

i still have to plant all my sunflower seeds
i have held back because the hoe is hard to work with
my dh used it in concrete making and didn't rinse it
it weighs a TON and is ungainly to wield.

seeing the error of his ways he bought me a new one.

planning a day trip to vermont because we have been
just straight out with very very emotionally heavy
events have sapped us of our vital energy.
time to rejuvenate.
hope to have some pics for the next blogging.
till then

Saturday, May 29, 2010

in the dehydrator

in the dehydrator:
2 trays of banana slices
they are my yorkie's favorite snack
he acts as tho he is hooked on crack when i jiggle the jar.
also some chamomile

i have picked it 3 days and now have a tray of it in the 'D'
it smells like honeyed apples while it dries
mmmm (or was that bzzzzzz?)

the chamomile plants seeded themselves last fall
all over the garden.
now that i am ready to plant i am hesitant to pull them
(they transplant poorly)
so i am plucking the flowers daily
and planting around them
figuring that by the time the seeds come up
i will have harvested enough flowers for tea
and can pull the plants then.

the other plant that prolificated (i know, not a word)
extremely well was the feverfew.
an herb i planted to harvest the flowers as a tea for migraines.
i will have to plant this around the edge
of the lawn instead of the garden because
it is greedy for ground.
also the bee balm (melissa) is getting out of control
in the flower garden, completely overtaking
my clematis and peony. yes they draw hummingbirds-
but i like the other flowers too.

i am just establishing beds for the first time
at this old house that only had an azaelia and some
lilac bushes growing here, strange for a place
over 100 yrs old. i would have thought some women sometime
would have nested and planted something
besides weeds :)

so now i want to plant some boxes and pots for the deck
filled with flowers and herbs.
note to self- remember to regularly water them!

for dinner tonite i have marinating
lisa's raw on 10
broccoli & mushrooms.

so after it marinates i will put it in the D to soften and warm up

so off i go to finish sewing & ironing
have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, May 28, 2010

get going garden

feeling kinda wishy washy today.

i have a long list but every time i go to start something

i wind up not doing it, and feeling weepy.


i chose the seeds (like lettuce marigold) that i can free seed

into the empty spaces of my garden

and put them in a nice basket with my gloves & mat

brought it out to the garden bench

then i came back in

i was too tired to start.

but i just got up!

see what emotional weariness can do?


“A spirit that is stricken makes the bones dry.” (Pr 17:22)

one nice thing i noticed this morning-

my dwarf peach tree has 4 tiny peaches on it!!!

this is the first year to fruit

and i realize if i get 1 of the 4 to maturity i will be doing well.

it has been in the ground 4 years

the first year the winter almost killed it

it took the next 3 years to recoup.

what i really wanted was some cherry trees

but up this far north it's hard to get a sweet cherry

that can make it thru -0's in zone 4

they are my fave fruit.

as soon as i get my mojo back

there are so many things i want to create

and work to completion (like my book!)

i am almost finished with a set of boy & girl

antique daygowns- just need closures in the backs

and i am certain that won't get done till

the morning of the baby shower! lol!

i did the hand work at the hospital while my friend

was having a many hour brain tumor removal surgery.

the boy one has a bunny embroidered in the front

centered between the tucks,

and the girl one has tiny flowers embroidered

on the bottom of each pintuck (28)

the recipients are best friends who found out

they are due a day apart. their children are bound to be

best friends too. sweet, isn't it?

but today i must do the garden

well, today and tomorrow.

i better check if i have the water turned on

to the garden (a series of hoses strewn across the lawn

from the house across the trickling stream

and over to the garden.)

i have a few recurred (self seeded) lettuces

ready to pick and will use them in a lunch salad.

now to think of which salad dressing to make...

and my chamomile self seeding went crazy

...of course in all the wrong places

but ready to begin picking,

along with some lemon balm & spearmint

all that i use for tea.

ok, i am talking about the garden too much

it's time to DO.

so i figured out a way to not be overwhelmed.

set the timer for 15 minutes

and do what i can.

then do it again later, etc.. till i have it handled.

that way i can come in and rest in between.

a trick i learned from

keep on keeping on my peeps



Tuesday, May 18, 2010

what a week.

my brother in law is missing.
this is not like him at all.
the police have a bolo and apb out to find him
my poor dear sister, i wish i could take her anxiety
and make it vanish, and make him appear.
we are praying he is alright.

then i got a call that my friend was going to be taken off life support today.
so we went over and sat with her and her family.
i stayed until the coroner took her body away.
it was one of the saddest afternoons ever.

so now i have this pounding headache and don't know why
really i do.

monday we have another friend in a tough spot
he is undergoing brain surgery for a tumor
and only has a 50 50 chance of living thru it.

what a week.

i hang on to any bright spots that i find.
tonite i spoke with my children on skype
and got to see the grandbabies (skype is wonderful)
and the sound & pic both worked, yay!

well i am exhausted in every way possible
going to hit the hay early.
tomorrow is bound to be better, i hope.

Monday, May 17, 2010

home again!

here is where i went this weekend- the turquoise barn...

it is a bed & breakfast catering to the raw/vegan/vegetarian palate
and has a shop/gallery filled with all kinds art pieces & cool things :)
creations by Michelle Premura & Michael Milton
the couple that owns & runs this unique getaway
located in bloomville, ny.
a very neat place to hang out
i will be writing about my fun stay here
and there will be some wonderful pictures to share too
stay tuned :)

meanwhile check out michelle 's website
and facebook page

Saturday, May 15, 2010

this is it!

whoopdeedoo, here i go!

raw food b&b weekend....
too bad the highway is shut down for like 5 exits
(at exit 18 there is a gas leak under the 87 overpass)
so what, i'll go the scenic route and be a little late.

more to come

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

not fallen off the face of the earth...

have i really skipped all april and some of may
without blogging??
see what happens when you don't own a computer

i am here
and getting my class plans together
to teach the summer classes on raw food.

the exciting weekend (next weekend)
will include a trip to a b&b that caters to rawness
yip yip yippee!
i will be doing a photo shoot
and sending the pics to a magazine
and just maybe they will be printing an article on
this b&b with .... my photos!! ;)
so, even tho i did not replace my broken laptop yet
i did replace my broken camera just in time!
(funny how everything goes kaput at the same time)

i took my new camera to texas and visited my grandkids
and of course took hundreds of photos. (had to test it out)

i had spent the previous 6 weeks power sewing & smocking
for the little ones, and that's how i was able to
completely leave off blogging altogether.

this week's project is to build a couple of
colloidal silver generators
i spent yesterday hunting down the parts i will need
and now i must wait for the silver wire to arrive by post.

on the food front-
i have been adding a small scoop of chia seed
to my green smoothies, instead of nuts.
it's good!
it makes them more satisfying and filling
and i can go longer between meals without
the extra fat & calories.

so that's it in a nutshell
hope you have all been well!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


many thanks to evergreen for giving me the Happy 101 blog award!
(many apologies for taking so long to post- i have computer woes since august)

here are the award rules, copied and pasted from her blog:

First: Copy the award image in your post.

Then, list 10 things that make you happy, try to do at least one of them today, and tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day.

For those 10 bloggers who get the award, you must link back to my blog!....the last part..only if you want!!!

Let the fun begin!
10 things that make me happy:

1. the wonderful future that my extremely wonderful God has for his beloved human family that i read about in the Bible.

2. warm rays of sunshine on my face (, yesterday it was gentle rain on my garden, last week it was the exciting wind in my hair)

3. my hunny- of 34 years... love at first sight and evermore

4. yummy foods, especially the raw variety

5. gardening- veggies, flowers, fruit... any gardening at all from the seed to the harvest, playing in the dirt. or just even to look at and take photos . eating of it is a wonderful bonus.

6. creating... today i am smocking twin outfits for a friend's daughters. sometimes it's sewing, other times yarn-work, recipes, painting, etc...

7. photography, alas my dear camera is kaput. but i hope to get a new one soon, i love capturing moments in time

8. my little doggie, moe, he brings alot of joy to me. it is really any babies, kittens, puppies, small wonders... nurturing and caretaking, being delighted at the antics, cuddling and stroking, nuzzling and kissing these little bits of life.

9. enjoying a good view, especially of my lake (as pictured at the top of my blog)

10. teaching... i taught my children with home school, i teach people the Bible, sewing, raw food 'cheffery', any how-to that i know... i pass it on whenever the opportunity presents.

bonus: 11. laughing with my sisters

Tagging 10 other bloggers that make me happy, in no particular order:)

1. adirondack almanac

2. what the hell _does_ a vegan eat anyway?

3. Southern Matriarch

4. Made in Africa & Nos aventures en Afrique (it's a family thing: mom & the kids blog)

5. paris breakfasts

6. once upon a plate

7. adirondack gardening

8. living beautifully in vermont

9. dimitri the greek raw vegan-ο κοσμος της ωμοφαγικης χορτοφαγιας

10. farmgirl fare

i have about 99 other favorite bloggers (many many raw fooder blogs, alas the 10 slots are not 100 slots)

keep the love flowing!

Monday, March 15, 2010

maple days 2010

i heart maple syrup!
this year's dates for the maple days are:
march 21-22
march 28-29

Warren County NY

Adirondack Gold Maple Farm
74 Bear Pond Road, Thurman
Participating: March 21nd,22rd,28th and 29th

We are a third generation maple producers with an old fashioned sugarhouse. We have a total of 600 taps, 500 of which are on tubing. Our stainless steel evaporator is a wood fired 2’x6’. We offer a full line of maple products.

Directions: Take I-87 to Exit 23. Turn Right onto Route 9 North into Warrensburg. Turn left onto Route 418 and follow it to the end and then take an immediate right onto Athol Road. Then follow the signs to Adirondack Gold Maple Farm.

Toad Hill Maple Farm
151 Charles Olds Road, Thurman
phone: 518-623-4744
Participating: March 21nd,22rd,28th and 29th

The Galusha Family has produced pure Adirondack Maple Products at Toad Hill for more than 30 years. Toad Hill is the largest maple producer in Warren County with more than 4,000 vacuum-assisted taps spread across three sugar bushes.

Directions: Take I-87 to Exit 23. Turn Right onto Route 9 North into Warrensburg. Turn left onto Route 418 and follow it to the end and then take an immediate right onto Athol Road. Then follow the signs to Toad Hill Maple Farm.

Valley Road Maple Farm
190 Valley Road, Thurman
phone: 518-623-9783
Participating: March 21nd,22rd,28th and 29th

Sugarmakers Mike Hill and Ralph Senecal boil in a new state-of-the-art sugarhouse. They have 1,500 taps on vacuum with reverse osmosis. We have a full line of maple products including syrup, cream, candy, sugar and maple cotton candy. Serving a pancake breakfast both weekends.

Directions: Take I-87 to Exit 23. Turn Right onto Route 9 North into Warrensburg. Turn left onto Route 418 and follow it to the end and then take an immediate right onto Athol Road. Then follow the signs to Valley Road Maple Farm..

Wallace's Sugarhouse
312 Dippikill Road, Thurman
phone: 518-623-9406
Participating: March 21nd,22rd,28th and 29th

This will be the second year for the Wallace's new sugarhouse with all new equipment. Which includes a Leader 3'x12' wood fired evaporator with a steam away. This 2000 tap operation carries a full line of maple products.

Directions:From Warrensburg go north on Route 9 to Route 28, at the Glen Bridge take a left onto Glen Athol Road, go approximately 4 miles, take a right onto Parker Cross Road. Go 100 yards and take a right onto Dippikill Road, go 1.5 miles sugarhouse is on your right or take Route 418 from Warrensburg turn right onto Athol Road go 2 miles take a right onto Glen Athol Road , go 2 miles turn left onto Parker Cross road. Go 100 yards and take a right onto Dippikill Road, go 1.5 miles sugarhouse is on your right


i came across 2 nice articles this morning
that i thought i'd share with you....

Foods that increase Stress levels

Some of you may wonder what on earth has healthy eating to do with stress?

What you eat affects the way you feel emotionally and physically.

Stress is everywhere and there are many people who are trying to overcome their problems with stress, anxiety, and depression start out their day by consuming two cups of coffees, a couple of sugar donuts, and a few cigarettes hoping to overcome fatigue resulting from a sleepless night and wonder why they end up having a panic attack on their way to work.
Needless to say that such a breakfast is completely void of nutrition as well.

This lens is about foods which could make your stress even worse.
You Are What You Eat!
Eating is one of the natural joys in life.

Most cultures celebrate holidays and the passages of life with feasting. However, eating right is a learned skill and not just something that just comes naturally.

Unfortunately, the foods that people eat for pleasure are not always nutritionally sound. The love affair with snack foods has led to joke that the four food groups are candies, cookies, coke, and chips.

A healthy body responds better to the inevitable stresses of life, and good nutrition is a building block of good health.

Eating a balanced diet can help to prevent stress, optimize health and manage stress and burnout more efficiently.

What you eat affects the way you feel emotionally and physically.

There are foods that reduce stress and those what increase your stress levels instead.

Foods that increase your stress levels are: Caffeine, Alcohol, Sugar, Sodium, and Fast Foods.

Caffeine is a stimulant. One of the reasons we drink it is to raise our levels of arousal, particularly at the start of the day. If you drink many cups of coffee a day, then you may become nervous, hyperactive and irritable.

In small amounts, alcohol may help you relax. In larger amounts, it may increase stress as it disrupts sleep, reduces your effectiveness, and possibly harms relationships.

Large amounts of alcohol over a long period of time will damage your body: depletes B vitamins, alters blood sugar, elevates blood pressure.

Read this if you use bad habits and addictions such as excessive emotional eating or alcohol consumption as a stress management technique.
Avoid Too Much Sugar
Sugar-rich foods can raise energy in the short term.

The problem with this is that your body copes with high levels of sugar by secreting insulin, which reduces the amount of sugar in your blood stream. Insulin can persist and continue acting after it has controlled blood sugar levels. This can cause an energy dip and prompt another sweet treat.

Tips for cutting sugar

-Use less sugar, raw sugar, honey, and syrup.

-Use natural sweetener Stevia, instead.

-Eat fewer foods that contain sugar such as candy, cookies, and soft drinks.

-Select fresh fruit or fruits canned is juice or light syrup.

-Read labels and avoid foods that list sucrose, glucose, maltose, dextrose, lactose, or fructose.

To make lasting changes in your diet, plan on gradually introducing a few changes at a time that you can stick with for a minimum one month.

Limit Sodium Intake
Sodium is an essential mineral, but adults nowadays intake about ten to twenty times more sodium than the body needs.

A single slice of bread actually provides the minimum daily requirements for salt (23 milligrams.) Recommend sodium intake is three thousand milligrams daily.

Tips to eliminate salt habit

-Avoid salty snacks such as chis, crackers, pretzels, and nuts.

-Limit your intake of salty condiments such as soy sauce, pickles, and cheese.

-Restrict use of cured meats, sausages, and bacon.

-Use herbs and spices while you cook, and reduce the salt in recipes.

'Fast food'
'Fast food' as it usually contains more fat and additives than are good for you.

Certain food additives may aggravate stress and there is usually more salt in 'fast foods' which can contribute to raised blood pressure and heart problems.

Too much fat has a similar effect.

7 Foods to Soothe Stress and Anxiety

Feeling frazzled? Reach for foods that really fight stress and anxiety, like these seven wonders of the high-wired world.

1. Nuts

Almost all nuts are good sources of vitamins B and E, plus selenium and zinc, but some nuts have more than others, so cover your bases by mixing them up.

Just an ounce -- a small handful -- will help replace those stress-depleted Bs (walnuts); give you a good dose of selenium and zinc (Brazil nuts), which are also drained by high anxiety; boost your vitamin E (almonds), which helps fight cellular damage linked to chronic stress; and may even lower your blood pressure by helping your arteries relax (pistachios). They're high in calories, so don't overindulge.

2. Guacamole

Avocados are loaded with B vitamins, which stress quickly depletes and your body needs in order to maintain nerves and brain cells. Scoop up the creamy goodness -- which comes from healthy monounsaturated fats -- with whole-grain baked chips or raw veggies. If you're watching calories, dip instead of scoop: 2 tablespoons have about 55 calories.

3. Berries, Any Berries

Blackberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, blueberries.

They're not just delicious; they're jammed with antioxidants, which is why they're great at countering the skin-damaging free radicals generated by stress. Eat them one by one (like healthy M&M's) when the pressure is on. If you're a jaw clencher, try rolling a frozen berry around in your mouth. And then another, and another.

4. Salmon and Other Fatty Fish

The omega-3 fatty acid in salmon, called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), isn't just good for your skin. Studies show people who eat ample amounts of DHA have a much lower incidence of depression, aggressiveness, and hostility. So this healthy fish may even help road rage! Some people report improvements in mood within days or even hours of eating omega-3-rich meals. Consider omega-3 supplements to assure you get the right amount.

5. Oranges

People who take 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C before giving a speech have lower levels of cortisol and better-behaved blood pressure than those who don't take it. So lean back, take a deep breath, and concentrate on peeling a big, juicy orange. The 5-minute mindfulness break will steady your brain cells, and you'll get a bunch of C as well. (Read: Vitamin C - Stress Buster)

6. Spinach

Spinach and other happy greens (the dark, leafy ones) contain folate, a B vitamin that appears to be essential for mood and proper nerve function in the brain. Two cups of cooked spinach gives you the 400 micrograms of folate recommended to pick up your mood.

7. Dark Chocolate

The antioxidant flavonols in dark chocolate (check labels; you want 70% or more cacao) help keep your blood pressure steady and your mind sharp. They may also help counter cellular damage caused by stress. Try this when you need a mental lift: Microwave 8 ounces of vanilla almond milk on medium for 1 minute, and then stir in an ounce of dark chocolate till it melts (heat triggers antioxidant release). Delish. Just show a little restraint; chocolate packs a lot of calories.

i hope you all have a stress-free day today

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

summer on a salad

italian dressing
(by Alissa Cohen, Living On Live Food pg 471)

The longer you let this one sit, the better it tastes.

1 cup olive oil
1 cup fresh basil
1 cup fresh parsley
1/2 cup dried Italian seasoning
2 scallions
2 teaspoons onion
1 lemon, juiced
2 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 teaspoon sea salt

Blend & chill for at least one hour.

tastes like summer on your salad :)
yum yum yum!!!
(i make 1/2 recipe for just the 2 of us, but often)

ps. my order of books has arrived
if anyone is looking to obtain one,
let me know :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

class today

teaching level 1 chef class here today :)

fun fun fun, delicious fun!
more to come.............

Saturday, January 30, 2010

rebuild your health

here is a nice freebie i found today:
rebuild your health ann wigmore audio book

i think it comes after her book
why suffer
that i had a free link for in pdf

so i just got done downloading all the chapters of "rebuild your health"
but being i am visiting with family
i won't be rude and put in earbuds just now

hope you are having a great weekend all!

Friday, January 22, 2010

oh look!

oh look
some kind person i did not know
did something nice for me

thank you shawn for the link to my blog!!!
back atcha :)

i am packing (food) for a week long trip

many dehydrated things.

i have these wonderful little chocolate coconut macaroons
that are calling (yelling, really) my name
but i keep telling them "not today my little sweeties!"


i also have 7 wonderful granola bars with chocolate drizzle
that really look too good to eat.
but you know they are not...since there used to be 8
crunch crunch, yum!

i have a head of cauliflower on the counter
ready to make some unfried rice for the next few days
the petite peas are not quite as raw as could be
but they are green and taste oh so fine
and add that element of color
and reality
to a remade to raw dish.
here is where i found the how-to for it...

isn't she just a hoot?! i love watching her.
here is the list of ingredients for this dish:
Green petite peas
Nama shoyu
Sesame oil

off to prepare!
have a lovely day all


very yum!!! (thank you michelle)

Monday, January 18, 2010

life is good

life is good
i have a clean house at the beginning of the day.
i taught a lovely class yesterday
and i have a dehydrator full of good food.

i just munched on a handful of cinnamon apple flax crackers
and dunked them in almond butter for a nice
stick to the ribs lunch, finishing off with a small banana.
now all i need is a spot of tea. mmm

we had a touch of snow last night
i wish it fell earlier
so my dh & i could have had a nice walk in it
as it fell... big fluffly flakes

instead i leaned towards the window from my warm spot in the bed
and thru sleepy eyes saw the beautiful snow falling
dropped on my very comfy pillow and had good dreams.


i went out today and cut some cedar & pine branches
to arrange in a heavy crystal vase
i placed it on a new white tablecloth with teeny hearts
lacing the edges

life is good today

i wish every day felt this wonderful...


Monday, January 11, 2010

bread crackers & wraps

i just scheduled a class
a basic dehydrator class
to make bread (onion bread, mmmm)

crackers (sweet & savory)

and wraps (my FAVORITE!!)

sunday 3:30 pm for 2 hours
raw vegan food, yum!

i am always excited to teach
but this will be an especially fun class
with take away samples

i think people going raw tend to miss the
convenience of the sandwich

the crunch of snack foods
and the ease of a wrap (one more satisfying
than a lettuce leaf.)

so i am about to pre-make all the recipes
so that we can have a finished product available for tasting
since these recipes can take 5+ hours in the D.

i have already gotten some excited responses
and am really psyched to have sunday here!

have a super day!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

healing balm

in continuation of my calendula blog
i got my mountain rose herbal order yesterday afternoon
ripped open the box (everything looks so good!)
and gathered everything i needed to make a healing balm.

the first thing i did was strain the soaking calendula petals
(1 oz petals in a pint glass jar covered with good olive oil,
capped and shaken daily for 2 weeks)
i netted 1-3/4 c golden oil

then i powdered some beeswax in my coffee grinder
and weighed out 1/2 oz on my digital scale
i put this powder in my 1 c saucepan
along with 3/4c calendula oil
and set it on my woodstove to slowly melt

once it was melted and stirred
i poured it into little blue glass jars
labeled them and let them cool.
the balm became semi-soft, semi-hard
perfect for a finger dip and spreads
perfectly on warm skin

i got the measurements from
the herbal medicine-maker's handbook

what a treasure this book is, with all the how-to's
i actually bought my copy in a very small bookstore
along the way on an anniversary trip to old forge ny
it was a book i hadn't seen and was more modernized than
my "back to eden" book that i had been using for 20+ years now.

another very good herb book!

i then made a lotion also for the sweet little baby
with the excema that is making his little 4 month old life difficult.
this i made from an strong tea of healing and cooling herbs, oils and vitamins
along with some of the healing balm i had just completed.
when i gave the balm & lotion to the mommy
i did mention that it is not cortisone and herbs take longer to
take effect, but, being the ingredients were all organic
and well researched, it is SAFE
and even if he licked some
he would come to no harm.

i am now about to make some super-fatted soap for the same use.

when i was cleaning up i rubbed the remnants from the mini
food processor onto my hands and face. it absorbed well.
and i was ultra-delighted at how soft and smooth and young
the skin felt immediately!
thinking i may make another batch just for me! :)

oh, & by the way-
beeswax does not seem to come off in the dishwasher
so you'll have to hand wash to clean up well. :)

i will let you know if this helps the wee one.

till next time, stay well!

Friday, January 1, 2010


i am about to begin making a special salve for a sweet baby.
he is 4 months old and had had quite a time with excema.
poor little pumpkin.
i began by buying an ounce of calendula petals

because the ones i grew & harvested this year are all used up.
they are VERRRRY easy to grow & come back every year from self seeding.

i am covering the dried petals with good olive oil in a glass jar.
then i have been giving it a few shakes every time i walk by.
this will be the basis of my special skin soothing salve.

here is an article on how calendula works:

Calendula has a long history of use as a wound-healing and skin-soothing botanical. This lovely marigoldlike flower (although called pot marigold, it is not a true marigold) is considered a vulnerary agent, a substance that promotes healing. Calendula also has anti-inflammatory and weak antimicrobial activity. It is most often used topically for lacerations, abrasions, and skin infections; less commonly, it is used internally to heal inflamed and infected mucous membranes.

and here is a nice article on making salves from herbs:

Herbal Salves

Salves are made by adding an herbal oil to beeswax in proper-like proportions to make a firm salve. Herbal salves are used externally to heal cuts, scraps, skin irritations etc. I like a nice mild salve just for winter chappies.

* Mix 1-1/2 oz. dried/powdered herbs or 3 oz. fresh herbs with 1 cup olive or sesame oil in a non-reactive pan (non-reactive = stainless steel, glass, porcelain).

* Simmer on low for 20 minutes.

* At the same time, melt ½ oz. beeswax in another pan or double boiler.

* Pour herbal oil over beeswax. Mix together.

* Add 1/8 teaspoon vitamin E oil as a preservative.

* Test for hardness: dip teaspoon into oil and place in the fridge until it gets hard, about 3-5 minutes. If it’s too hard, reheat gently and add more oil, too soft, more beeswax.

* Pour it into a small container with a lid.

Helpful herbs and essentials to add on in: calendula, comfrey, mullein, lemon balm, yarrow, plantain, echinacea, lavender, frankincense (I love the smell of frankincense and it's good for acne, rashes, and more), chickweed, etc.

Guess what everyone I know is getting for Christmas? Salves, baby. So you can see from here, is not a big stretch to lip balms. Just make sure the herbs/oils you use are safe for ingestion. I know you aren’t chomping on your chapstick but it let’s just say, licking your lips adds up. Vanilla, cinnamon, and honey make nice additions for your pucker slicker.

And if you haven't yet, check out They have wonderful products and are a great company.

i actually am expecting my first mountain rose order
in the coming week. can't wait!!
once it is here with the remaining ingredients
the salve will be made. i will update you then.
until then i will keep shaking the oil with calendula petals.
i have made plenty of soap, lotions, salves and the like...
they are pretty easy to do and there are many books to help you
learn at the library, bookstore and articles on the internet.
if you haven't tried them yet- go for it! it is very satisfying.
you know what is in your product and it's waaay cheaper too.
save some nice little glass jars just for these treats.
the squat kind with wider openings are the very best kind
cause you can get your fingers in to scoop the last bit out.

stay healthy!